

ECM Weekly (1 September 2018) - Meituan, NIO, Aavas, Hua Medicine, Qutoutiao

463 Views01 Sep 2018 10:37

Aequitas Research puts out a weekly update on the deals that have been covered by Smartkarma Insight Providers recently, along with updates for upcoming IPOs.

Unsurprisingly, shortly after markets in the U.S. made new all-time highs, companies are rushing to get themselves onto the market to ride on the momentum. Another round of IPO filings and live IPOs are starting to trickle in as we ramp up towards Q4.

First of all, starting with what we have heard on the street, there are news reporting that Meituan Dianping (MEITUAN HK) is setting its IPO valuation at up to US$55bn which is close the the upper range of Ke Yan, CFA, FRM's conservative fair value estimate in his latest note, Meituan Dianping (美团点评) IPO: Thoughts on Valuation - The Market Structure and the Variables (Part 3). In India, Aavas Financiers Ltd (AAVAS IN) is targeting a Rs20bn IPO in September while Lodha Developers (LODHA IN) trimmed its targets after IPO delay.

There are also a handful of live deals ongoing and investors are probably spoilt for choice as to which IPO to subscribe to. Starting off with the largest deal size, NIO Inc (NIO US) is raising up to US$1.3bn and will be closing its book on the 11th of September. As per our analysis, NIO's valuation is only at a small discount to peers even after we used blue sky assumptions to work out the company's valuation.

In Hong Kong, China Chunlai Education (CHUNLAI HK)'s US$113m IPO will be closing on the 6th of September while Hua Medicine Ltd (2552 HK) will be closing on the 7th.

Accuracy Rate:

Our overall accuracy rate is 71.3% for IPOs and 63.6% for Placements

(Performance measurement criteria is explained at the end of the note).

New IPO filings this week

  • Luzhou City Commercial Bank (Hong Kong, ~US$1bn)
  • Alpha Smart (Hong Kong, ~US$200m)
  • Tubatu (Hong Kong, ~US$200m)
  • Impro Precision (Hong Kong, re-filed)
  • Ganfeng Lithium (Hong Kong, re-filed)
  • X Financial (the U.S., ~US$250m)
  • Viomi Technology (the U.S., ~US$150m)

Below is a snippet of our IPO tool showing upcoming events for the next week. The IPO tool is designed to provide readers with timely information on all IPO related events (Book open/closing, listing, initiation, lock-up expiry, etc) for all the deals that we have worked on. You can access the tool here or through the tools menu.

Source: Smartkarma IPO Analyzer

News on Upcoming IPOs

Smartkarma Community's this week Analysis on Upcoming IPO

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