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ECM Weekly (7 Sep 2019) - China Merchants Comm REIT, Immunotech Bio, Bank of Guizhou, XD, Huize

610 Views07 Sep 2019 14:15

Aequitas Research puts out a weekly update on the deals that have been covered by Smartkarma Insight Providers recently, along with updates for upcoming IPOs.

Momentum is holding up well for Hong Kong's ECM activity. China Merchants Commercial CMC Reit (CMCREIT HK) and Immunotech Biopharm (IMMBIO HK) filed with HKEX while Home Credit (HC HK) is filed its PHIP and will start pre-marketing of its IPO. We also heard that TOT Biopharm International Co Ltd (1366893D HK) and Bank of Guizhou Co Ltd (1147131D CH) have started pre-marketing and Shanghai Henlius Biotech (1566213D HK) will open bookbuild next Monday. Our team has covered these IPOs in:

Activity in other South-east Asia countries are looking up too. Indonesia is looking to boost IPO activity by cutting taxes for companies that sell shares. Listed companies would enjoy lower corporate tax rate in the first five years after their listing.

Thailand, on the other hand, has already prepped up a few IPOs with Asset World Corporation (AWC TB) expected to open its books for US$1.5bn next week while Singha Hotel and Resorts is expected to list this quarter too.

In the Philippines, we are hearing that AllHome (AHM PM) has already started pre-marketing for its US$340m IPO and Axelum Resources (1729371D PM) is also set to list in October. We have covered both IPOs in:

Lendlease REIT has already started pre-marketing but we have yet to see any prospectus filed on the MAS website which seems unusually late.

IPOs in the U.S seemed to have stalled. CloudMinds have filed its prospectus in July but we have yet to hear progress on it. On the other hand, Huize Holding Limited (HUIZ US), an independent online insurance product and service platform operating in China, has filed for US$150m IPO this week.

In India, there had been media reporting that Ebix Inc (EBIX US) will be looking to list its Indian subsidiary, EbixCash, by Q2 of 2020. Bajaj Energy has also been approved by Sebi for its US$700m IPO.

Accuracy Rate:

Our overall accuracy rate is 72.5% for IPOs and 64.7% for Placements

(Performance measurement criteria is explained at the end of the note)

New IPO filings this week

  • China Merchants Commercial REIT (Hong Kong, ~US$800m)
  • Immunotech Biopharm (Hong Kong, ~US$100m)
  • Huize (the U.S., ~US$150m)

Below is a snippet of our IPO tool showing upcoming events for the next week. The IPO tool is designed to provide readers with timely information on all IPO related events (Book open/closing, listing, initiation, lock-up expiry, etc) for all the deals that we have worked on. You can access the tool here or through the tools menu.

Source: Aequitas Research, Smartkarma

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