Rex: Oman Production Gaining Steam; Could It Really Trade at 1x 2021 Pre-Tax Profits?

1.3k Views18 Mar 2021 08:21

Rex International Holding (REXI SP) has been a forgotten oil stock on the SGX. Last year we tried to highlight the opportunity to investors already Rex Int: From Virtual Drilling Tech Play to Pumping Oil in Oman; Overlooked Bargain + M&A Candidate.

As we learned with our bullish drumbeat on UG Healthcare (UGHC SP) a few years ago sometimes Mr. Market can be a bit slow. Recall, we were bullish on UGHC all of 2018/2019 highlighting its massive undervaluation, and then... it went up 1,000%+ last year.

Rex reminds us of UGHC in 2019. Rex is not guaranteed to go up 1,000% but it has a pathway there (think oil at 100 USD/bbl) and should AT LEAST double in 2021. This is a high conviction idea.

Below the fold, we give the math of how increased production at its Yumna field in Oman should lead to massive cash flows and earnings from 1H21 onwards. Once market participants "get it" and see the cash gush in this has to lead to a re-rating. If Mr.Market remains asleep an industry player will almost certainly come to the table and acquire Rex outright. Given the age of the main shareholders, this is more a question of "when" rather than "if".

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Nicolas Van Broekhoven
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