Editor’s Picks 2018 Edition
Your chance to sneak a peek into the research available on Smartkarma with some of the top Insights of the past year.
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The Year That Was in
Independent Research
Editor’s Picks 2018 Edition
Your chance to sneak a peek into the research available on Smartkarma with some of the top Insights of the past year.

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In a post-MiFID II world, the power of independent research lies in its ability to be differentiated, unshackled by corporate interests, and free from opaque practices.
In our special compilation, we selected 10 of those Insights that were either the most appreciated on the Smartkarma platform, generated the most discussion, or were particularly discerning.
This top 10 is not meant to be exhaustive, but rather indicative of the depth and breadth of research available on Smartkarma – the global investment research network!