
China Private Education: How to Position After the Regulatory Crackdown?

525 Views26 Jul 2021 08:37

Share price of the China Education Sector stocks, particularly the US listed online education ones, are hit hardest on Friday amid the rumoured release of extremely stringent government regulatory changes. The CCPC and State Council official announcement was made on Saturday, and basically removed the survival of online and curriculum-related after-school tutoring classes for Pre-K and compulsory education grades. New Oriental Education (EDU US), TAL Education (TAL US) and Gaotu Techedu (GOTU US) all pledged to support the decisions on Saturday night via Weibo.

We believe the best way to position in the sector is to focus on higher and vocational education sub-segments. In this regard, China Education Group (839 HK) is best positioned given its pure exposure in this market and nil exposure to K-12 schools (online/offline). The 26.3% drop in share price from the peak provides an attractive entry point, in our view. Among the three online education companies, New Oriental Education (EDU US) looks comparatively safer due to its buffer from other businesses, but we would warn against the extreme risks associated with bottom-fishing this name.

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