Shenzhen Investment (604 HK): Good Story yet Less Attractive than Shenzhen International (152.HK)
While SZ Inv has a positive outlook with a pick-up in pre-sale performance in Sep and Oct, we consider it less attractive than SZ Int; and we...
The Shenzhen Story: A Look at the Pair Trades on SZ Int, SZ Exp and SZ Inv
We rank the three Shenzhen SOEs in the following order: SZ Int (152 HK), SZ Exp (548 HK) and SZ Inv (604 HK); and believe "Long SZ Int, short SZ...
Shenzhen Intl (152 HK): Shenzhen Airlines Returned to Profit in 3Q20
We estimate that Shenzhen Airlines and Shenzhen Expressway together will generate a positive swing of HK$1.7bn in Shenzhen Intl's 3Q20 bottom line...
Shenzhen Intl (152 HK): A Gem in the Greater Bay Area
Shenzhen Intl is an interesting, yet inexpensive (0.87x P/B), play on the encouraging outlook of Shenzhen and the Greater Bay Area. 3Q20 results of...
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