Earnings Alerts

1138 Earnings Update: Cosco Shipping Energy Transportation Co. Ltd. (H) 1Q Reports Net Income of 1.24B Yuan

  • Cosco Energy reports a net income of 1.24 billion yuan in the first quarter.

  • The company’s revenue stands at 5.84 billion yuan.

  • Analysts provide 11 buys for Cosco Energy, indicating a strong market confidence.

  • There are no holds or sells from analysts, reinforcing the positive market sentiment towards the company.

Cosco Shipping Energy Transportation Co. Ltd. (H) on Smartkarma

Analyst coverage of Cosco Shipping Energy Transportation Co. Ltd. (H) on Smartkarma reveals positive sentiments towards the company’s future prospects. Rikki Malik‘s report, “Higher for Longer,” highlights the ongoing tanker market imbalance that is expected to boost earnings for the company. The global tensions and higher oil and gas prices are seen as beneficial factors, while a stock option scheme is noted to effectively incentivize the management team.

Osbert Tang, CFA, shares a similar bullish outlook in two reports. In “Surfing the High Tide,” he emphasizes the favorable valuation of CSET despite its strong performance, citing the undersupply in the VLCC market and the growth potential in LNG transportation. In “Time for Another Look,” Tang acknowledges the recent share price decline but points to the rebound in VLCC rates and the positive impact of re-routing and increased energy security demands on future earnings. Overall, these reports suggest a promising outlook for Cosco Shipping Energy Transportation Co. Ltd. (H) amidst market dynamics and global trends.

A look at Cosco Shipping Energy Transportation Co. Ltd. (H) Smart Scores


Smart Score is a compound score for the Company indicating its overall outlook. It is derived by taking an equally weighted average of underlying Factor scores computed by Smartkarma

Analysts at Smartkarma have assessed Cosco Shipping Energy Transportation Co. Ltd. (H) using their Smart Scores methodology. The company scores well in key areas, with high scores in Growth and Momentum at 5, indicating positive prospects for future expansion and strong market performance. Additionally, Cosco Shipping Energy Transportation has solid scores in Value and Dividend at 4, emphasizing its perceived value and potential returns for investors. However, the company’s score in Resilience is lower at 2, suggesting some vulnerability to economic fluctuations or industry challenges.

Cosco Shipping Energy Transportation Co. Ltd. (H) provides various marine shipping services, including refined oil transportation, crude oil transportation, and the shipment of other products such as iron ores, dry bulks, and coal. With strong scores in Growth and Momentum, the company appears well-positioned for long-term success and market competitiveness. Investors may find value and stable returns in Cosco Shipping Energy Transportation, although its lower Resilience score could indicate some risks to consider in the ever-changing global market conditions.

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